Learn to move and breathe with grace & ease

The Hudson Alexander Technique Collective
A community of Alexander Technique practitioners in the Hudson Valley
453 State Street, Hudson NY
What is the Alexander Technique?
The Alexander Technique (AT) is an embodied mindfulness training that helps you to feel present and alive in your body. It was developed by F.M. Alexander over a hundred years ago, and has been practiced ever since by actors, musicians, vocalists and everyday people seeking non-invasive pain relief, improved posture, balance, and well-being. With AT tools in hand, clients can respond to the stresses of daily life with more flexibility and find more balance and joy in everyday life. Contact Becky or Max to learn more!
Who We Are

Becky Sandler, m.AmSAT, M.S.Ed
Becky is a teacher of the Alexander Technique with a background in education, early childhood yoga, and Tai Chi. Her particular interest is in helping people of all ages and abilities move through their everyday activities of sitting, standing and walking with greater freedom of movement and breath. Find out about current group classes here or more about Becky at www.myeverydayposture.com

Max Rosenak, m.AmSAT, RRT, MFA
Max is a teacher of the Alexander Technique, a theatre artist, performance coach, and voice & breath teacher. He offers his clients sustainable, ongoing training to help them feel present, alive, and in their bodies. You can find Max at www.maxrosenak.com or by clicking below.